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Crystalis Story

There is a transference of energies between all 3 centres when they are properly functioning and open. The idea being that the lower energies work upward through the levels to transform us. 


At the center of each Talisman, is a point of light that communcates directly with our electric light body and transfers original organic information.  

During the creation of each piece, I am taken into a altered state allowing me to act as a link to a world that overlaps with the physical, where I am in direct communication with the pleromic (formless) reality. 


The stellar gateway exists 12 inches above our soul star center which in turn is right above our crown center. The stellar gateway collects and gathers  cosmic energy stilmulating our energy centers located within our energetic bodies. This has the potential to bring cosmic energy and codes into our DNA and the light body and activate us to a superhuman status, where upon we can access a greater part of our self that is normally dormant and hidden.  It can be understood as the original soul seed code from our pre-existing state, our pleromatic essence par excellence. 


The earth star centre is a subpersonal center that exists 12 inches below the feet, also known as the 'super root' that connects and aligns us to the powerful energies within the magnetic core of the earth. The grounding point of the persons entire extended chakra system and their relationship to the collective planet and universe, holding the codes to pastlives, karmic patterns and DNA origins. It is responsible for our connection to our own true self to other individuals, the earth and the universe.


We are in the final hour of this cycle where the basic primordial prima materia is fertile and receptive for the appearence of new realities upon the unfolding of the grand solar event that will take place in the near future.


Presently, we are experiencing the 3rd dimension and there are 3 parts to our individual being. We are to align and open the earth, heart  & stellar stargates.


 A very strong Nordic influence comes through bridging the concept of the root, heart and crown centres and their connection to the stellar gateway.


"The Triskelion symbolizes the integration of our 3 selves through the hidden meaning behind the Nordic traditions:  


Odin represents the crown center, higher self and the spirit realm, Villi represents the root center, the subconscious and the lower realm, and Ve represents the heart center and the soul realm.


Messages are transferred between the higher self and the lower self and are grounded into the heart which is the center of the self. The Runes are symbolic of this pattern and play a part in the transformation in the coming shift.  When divided up into 3 rows of 8 runes, the first row represents the densest  part of the self,  the middle row represents the soul center which is less dense, and the 3rd row represents the higher self which is ruled by Odin."

Crafted in Magic

Working with both the stellar, heart and earth star gateways, we can experience a balanced connection between that which is hidden and that which is known, both within and outside of ourselves as individuals and as collective beings.


We activate within us the ability to read and transfer energies acting  as a bridge and anchoring higher divine energies into the earth.


The stellar, heart and earth stargate pendants are magical organic talismans made through an alchemical process known as metallurgy, which will increase the light holding capacity within you. This allows a reconfiguration from a lesser to a greater existence illuminating that which is real and true and that which is counterfeit and false.


We are the medium between space (3rd dimensional) and time (4th dimensional). We are able to go beyond the threshold of space and time, linking the greater hidden worlds of the pleroma to the lesser worlds, thus bringing about a transformation within the lower worlds through ascension.


This process can take 21 to 40 days after which a tangible heightening of the senses is one of the first clear signs that can be perceived.

I trust that these Talismans will be received by those who truly wish to experience the magic and will honour each one for the energy they offer.

Crystalis is a sigil for crystal and Talisman which form a chrysalis for transcendence.

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Anonmondek West. Crystalis. Lunar Alchemy.  

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