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Spiritual & Psychic empowerments

Each Empowerment comes with a specially formulated elixir that will be shipped to you after empowerment is completed.

Throughout History Oriental and Eastern world has been known for its intensely powerful and highly aspiring Mystical practice, such as spirituality and philosophy. Today this is enforced by loyal seekers and their methods of higher consciousness, many have taken to heart the continuous pursuit of world and inner peace, and we find that millions of minds are meeting in this paradigm of collective consciousness toward this purpose.

Anyone with a serious spiritual pursuit will be attracted and interested in these energy systems and empowerments, because of the many layers of subtle energy that help to purify, cleanse and balance the chakras, subtle bodies and the physical body. Eastern occultists as well as Shamanic practitioners, Sufi adepts and shambhalla masters have had tremendous experience and retained vast knowledge in this path, they have blessed us with a versatile array of energy system.
Working with energies is the master key in spiritual evolution and can cut decades from time to reach enlightenment.

I work with angelic beings and my spirit guides to perform all empowerments.

I use the most powerful energy systems in the eastern and occidental worlds, I have been given permissions to pass on these energies to others who are ready for a leap in their personal evolution, these empowerments are offered as a practical spiritual (re)connection, serving to open up multiple channels of energy that transport new light forces and activate them to work with all seven planes and each level works with one special plane that proceeds from ground up, this completes a more balanced system to work with allowing you to advance spiritually yet still remain grounded.

I offer a number of different empowerments that align the body to the intended energies, such as love, abundance, higher intelligence etc.

Empowerments Offered

* Release Negative Patterns Empowerment
* Psychic Energy Empowerment
* Love-Consciousness Empowerment
* Intelligence/Wisdom-Consciousness Empowerment
* Power-Consciousness Empowerment
* DRAGON Empowerment

Empowerments allow us to access higher dimensions and Raw magickal forces in nature and make them available in everyday existence. Empowerments open up energy channels known as the Nadis which carry subtle energies in your body and mind allowing an improvement in the low of all energy systems, when you run all your energies daily through the levels that you have been activated to, the Nadis strands then open.

Each level of these empowerments contains an unusually large number of (power) levels many of which have no parallel in any other system. You are able to access higher amounts of power and energy by being activated to these different planes, the energy will be felt by the individual stronger then ever before.

During the Empowerments we syncronize and align all seven subtle bodies (Physical, emotional, mental, Buddhic, Atmic, monadic and Cosmic) and merge them, it is through the deep connection of these planes that one will begin to feel 'Complete'.

These Empowerments work directly accessing the Soul star (Star shaped Tetrahedron) and energy fields surrounding our six incarnation centers (also known as permenant atoms) our physical bodies (chakras, aura etc) are the physical projection and manifestation of these fields.

Many healers depend on their personal energy to do work, we align you once again with the cosmic forces which offer a vast source of different frequencies allowing them to open the nadis and strands inside them to hold and access more energy and integrate it in our lives, Nadis must be opened one at a time many individuals need a lifetime to open up only 5 of these strands.

The energies systems we use carry liquid intelligence, we activate the 'Elixirs' that are naturally produced in the body when the body is vibration higher and raised force fields, intelligence takes the form of a 'nectar' and begins to flow throughout the heart centers and psycho energetic centers known as the Lata'if , The elixir has been described as 'Liquid Love' it is very healing and develops qualities of the heart. The Lata'if ~ unlike the chakra system, do not correspond directly physically with the organs and nerve plexus, rather they are votices within the human energy matrix (coined by Gurdjieff) called The Kesdjan body. These are a combination of 3 psycho energetic centers, the Head center, Heart center and moving center, ~ Akhfa, Khafi,Sirr e Sirr, Sirr, Ruh, Qalb, Nafs
(also known as: Most hidden, Hidden, very secret, secret, spirit, heart, self/EGO)

In the under developed human being, these centers are either dormant, as in the case of higher intellectual and emotional centers, or their functions have been scrambled through shock and trauma. This system is practiced by adepts from the central asian sufis and Gurdjieff followers.

The heart center is enhanced and the etheric heart center aligned to the energies of the Lata'if.

If you are interested in any of the empowerments please feel free to reach out , we carefully custom design the forces that are available, to suit the energy and needs to each individual, we have an unusually expanded number of different techniques many of which are secret esoteric and advanced methods that we access on behalf of the one we are empowering.

empowerment Initiations


Information on Procedure of empowerments


These more fine-tuned empowerments are most effective after the Reverse Negative Life Bio-Patterns Empowerment and the Soul-Healing have been undergone. They are to be regarded as stimulants and catalysts that develops the inherent qualities and attributes of the Soul. This is a long-distance (remote) empowerment.

* Your Part
We will inform you of the day/date that we will conduct the empowerment ritual. You may go about your daily duties as they will not affect the empowerment process. Our metaphysical operation would occur on subconscious and super-conscious levels of the psyche. When you are in a state of relaxation, during or after we have conducted the ritual, you should sense energy-shifts and changes in your aura, body, and mind.


These would eventually affect your mind and emotions directing them towards a more divine expression. Complex preparation on your part before and during the empowerment process are unnecessary, however, a relaxed mind and non-strenuous work on the days before and following the empowerment-ritual would greatly enhance the success of the metaphysical operation. If you are able to fast from dawn to dusk on the day of the empowerment--even if the exact day or hour does not coincide with the time zone where we live—this would be highly beneficial.

We also suggest that you take some time to meditate for 15 minutes to half an hour on the day of the ritual, the day before, and two days following it. While in meditation, focus upon the magnetic field above your head—visualize it as a brilliant rainbow of light beaming down its resplendent rays upon you.

After the empowerment-ritual has been conducted, I will inform you of its completion by email., and provide a re-capture letter after 4-10 days upon completion of the session, with insight on what happened during the empowerment, messages and suggestions that came through the guidance.

We Follow Divine laws of Ethics and Conduct we do not Implant or in anyway manipulate the free will and mind to perform or react in negative way, we do not hypnotize or cause dependency on our services -we provide these empowerments as a love offering and Gift to Humanity and the evolving nature of Souls we summon Raw cosmic forces to do our work and follow God’s Laws and the Universal laws such as the Law of Karma -that have been set into motion by the creator of the worlds, We also believe that there should be a love offering from the receiver of such a Blessing and although it is a small price tag in comparison to the benefit and spiritual and material abundance that it taps into.

The empowerments and healings are offered as a blessing to others in full faith and awareness of their benefits, and are transmitted according to occult principles and methods, and to the ability of our own personal level of metaphysical attainment. We do not, however, guarantee in any way that the recipient's life would improve for the better as a result of the transmission/empowerment or that results sought for of any form, type, or kind would be gained.

We likewise do not suggest in any way that the effects acquired from the empowerments would be permanent as this depends so much on the individual. We hold no responsibility for any problems, psychological, physical, or in any other form that might arise during or after the receipt of the empowerment.

Our empowerments should not be sought for as a replacement for necessary medical aid and attention. We may at any time reject or postpone accepting orders for empowerments for any reason.



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Anonmondek West. Crystalis. Lunar Alchemy.  

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