Empowerment Initiations
More about Empowerments
A characteristic feature of Vajrayana Buddhism is the requisite ritual for participating in the worship, service and practice of a deity. This is the process by which a lama with experience in the particular practice confers on others the description, explanation, visualization and order of the practice, along with appropriate offerings and specific mantras. It is more than the sum of its parts though; it is a lineage transmission of blessing and energy.
The empowerment or initiation grants permission, bestows help with, and gives access to, the benefits of (a tantric or) evolutionary practice. It can be short or long, and complex or very simple. It normally includes which is the actual consecration or dedication of the student to the practice-deity, the lung (Breath) which is the oral transmission -- a recitation of the text or manual or mantra and the tri or instructions on how to do the practice. In more evolved humans, a brief ritual-touching of the student with the text, accompanied by recitation of the associated mantra is sufficient."
Empowerments go beyond religions races and cultures, universal divine language is for all of Humanity alike bringing with it the neccessary spiritual keys to access the evolving human being, with each language in each era of our evolution brought with it more frequencies and access keys for opening parts of the consciousness needed in our journey toward a new age of Energies, these powerful words came as a blessing to humanity.
Empowerments, powerful words, mantras and magickal recitations, when done steadily will open consciousness within the reciter, divine language is in alignment with cosmic language like symbols and sacred geometry--mantras are so powerful they can change the bio-chemical structure inside the human body and open consciousness, to become high vibrational and very subtle, able to hold more light (in certain cases one can actually de-materialize and teleport himself into different physical spaces or dimensions also.) This can be a process needed to be avidly followed and practiced and often an arduous exercise living in the western hemisphere.
The ripening four empowerments are like a stream of nectar.
They purify the four obscurations and plant the seeds of the four kayas; they are the root of the path of mantra.
This is my heart's advice.
Our ordinary mind is hard, unripened. So, it must be ripened with the empowerments. In Tibetan, the word for nectar is dutsi, which means a substance that transforms poison into nectar. It is also called stainless ambrosia or un-afflicted nectar. So the reference here recalls this quality of transformation, like alchemy.
In alchemy, base metals are transformed into gold. Our mind is like that base metal, which is transformed into gold by the empowerment ceremony. While the stream of the nectar is poured into us during the ceremony, we meditate that we transform into the deity or 'Divine attribute' state, thereby purifying all our negative thoughts and obscurations. We manifest our mind as the deity's mind. Our whole being is transformed into the mandala of the deity.
quotes from Dharmakirti (1595-1659)