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5 Point Star, 5 Points of Power & The Water Mirror Of Joshua

Writer's picture: Anonmondek WestAnonmondek West

I drop ancient forgotten 'gems' to be discovered, in the information I present and put forward for your consideration, I don't make it easy however, you have to work for it, All good things take energy on our part in how it processes within us, reflect on the depth and duality in the concepts, and begin to appreciate the hidden paradox, afterall there is a certain level of soul re-'cognition' that needs to happen for any of this energy to be retained. That is all it is- Energy.

Most will find it goes right over their heads and no judgement, it is how it should be, we are all on different rungs of Jacob's ladder, When you have stared long enough in the water mirror you will begin to see the ripples coming forth from the aeons, the overlapping cycles and the patterns emerging into view,, and you begin to read the resonating and discordant energies in such a way that lifetimes of experience and information is directly accessed and pulled into your field. You recognize the angles and points, how and where they line up, and nature of the illusion.

As someone who exists between worlds in my most natural state, it makes sense

that I come from a background of east meets west. The ancient mores and traditions of Persia and India in my fathers blood, that run through the passages of my dna and the deep reverence for the nordic & germanic genesis that ignites my soul, as well as the maternally jewish womb I came through.

I am deeply familiar with the Abrahamic esoteric paths, I grew up with exposure to mystical occultism that resides in the heart of every path and leads back to the center and the true reality.

I have lived through the rites and rituals of the mystics in sufism that awakened the 'point in the heart' and transcended it, I have studied the roots and branches of the kabbalistic language and eaten the fruits of its tree.

and reached beyond the pleromatic model of sophianic gnostism.

These are merely signposts along the way back to ourself, that awakens inside us

the entire story.

5 Point Star, 5 Points And The Water Mirror Of Joshua

As we complete the ancient cycle of Karma, we come to a closing of the Circle.

Alpha meets omega.

Whatever we do on earth extends and moves toward the heavens, interweaving

with body (earth) and Spirit (upper worlds) 'The branches of the Tree mirror its roots'.

Ronald Tyson Astronomer and author of the occult Books “Al Hazrat” and The

Necronomicon, confirms in a nutshell what I am about to explain in more depth regarding the Alchemical practice of working with the Sun, moon and Stars. The Paragraph pertains to the workings of an alchemical device.

The Water Mirror of Joshua.

A perfect example of this device can be found mentioned in the epic tale of ‘The

Lord of the Rings’ in the elven realms of the woods in the deep magical forests of


In the book Al Hazrat it states,

"The Holy Angels dwell above the CIRCLE of the moon in the STARS. God transmits HIs purpose to the STARS. The STARS by the agency of their ruling. Angels in turn send Potency to the Planets by their patterned movements which affect life here on earth but every heavenly virtue first must pass through the sphere of the MOON to reach and effect the earth, the moon acts as a type of gatekeeper regulating the influence of the heavens upon the earth and also the attempts by those on earth to also reach or communicate with the spirits of the heavens. It will be at once appreciated why the Magic Mirror, which is a completely Lunar device, is so effective in opening the doorway to the worlds of the dead, spirits and higher Angels”.

To bring some clarity to what this means in simple terms; By acting as 'vessels' on

earth that transmit divine light through interconnection of the elements, we

transform into MIRRORS of the Heavenly bodies ie The Stars- By becoming

merging the 'self' (microcosm) with our 'Greater self' (macrocosm) through inner

connection of our heart centre to the universal Heart centre -we are able to bridge

the gap between heaven and earth.

After all the entire universe exists INSIDE us!

Everything begins with the flow. The Omnipresent interconnection with all things.

Like droplets of water merging with the ocean.

'Just Become Water'

One of my psychic sisters Lilly, received a message clairaudiently on a Sacred

journey during a visit to the CAVE temples of Thailand (and Cambodia),

“We are the children of the oceans stars and came to assist with Spiritual Awakening.”

It was a perfect confirmation of what I was receiving at the time, spirit has a way of connecting like minds together in the same fields.

So it is for each of us to become the ‘Water Mirror’ the reflection of the Star beings

embodied by Angels here on earth. To make the connection and merge worlds.

WE must each reflect on earth a ‘Sparkle’ of the higher realms.

So think about how we MIRROR this in Truth! We are 80% WATER. Essentially,

the very reflection of the STARS on earth! We are indeed

"Children of the Ocean STARS."

When we move and tune in with a certain patterns by way of practices and initiation of Sacred rituals, we effect the earth by anchoring the STARS into the earthly realms. It all returns to the Law of ONE.

The power of the One In ALL

Messages are often abstract when they come into our conscious awareness,

leaving us mindblown, sometimes even baffled! But SIGNS and synchronicities

are all undeniable confirmations, when the Spirit realm Speaks, it doesn't SPELL it

out FOR you, You have to do that. You have to BE the active component that grounds it into the earth through expression of WILL. We have to spell it out and ritualize it.

The most abstract symbolic actions and movements are closest to bringing the energy through directly. It prompts the heart and communes with the soul, until it raises attention then it rushes forward to meet you in a flow an interconnected series of communications that reach out to others and awakens them with facets of the whole, because we are meant to work together interconnected.

When something is in resonance and it 'sits' RIGHT. There is MIGHT and LIGHT

transmitted. Light comes with clarity for those who 'Tune' in.

As with doing anything of service to others or divinely inspired ACTIONS and activities, You will often find obstacles trying to dissuade you or block your path in the form of 'distractions', doubts seep into your thoughts, or even stubborn resistance from others swarting your genuine enthusiasm and, even psychic attacks.

We do still live in a linear world and the opening is always first a fine 'crack'- the

breaking through barriers. This opening 'crack' is what the opposing inversion forces have been recently trying to penetrate the veil from the outside in, to bring about a destructive wave force but the force or power must emerge out from the INSIDE. The external force is DESTRUCTIVE whereas the internal force is CREATIVE.

Like an egg, if a force breaks it from the outside- life ENDS, when an inner force

break it life BEGINS!

So it is 'Breaking' through the false illusory nature of the matrix that they can no

longer hold their symmetry- This is their ‘earthquake’. So by taking your

place in the 'cosmic scheme of things' and approaching this Greater Alchemical

work with PURE INTENTIONS and for the sake of the Greater GOOD, you will be

activating your own cosmic seed and higher potential, which raises you and opens

for your greater destiny!

You move outside of the lower fields of reality into higher realms- in the 'eye of the


It is the awakened warrior spirit of the woman, the Valkyrie, the creative/receptive

hidden power that will answer the Call. Guardians of the 'Cave'. It calls on the

Sacred divine feminine - The empowered archetype in all souls to walk the path

and connect with the moon tides, recognizes her own POWER within her own

lunar phases. The ebbs and flow, that direct her powerfully intuitive emotional

nuances she embodies within her abundant physical vessel.

The Labyrinth exists as the 'polar companion' of the pyramid energy which is a

masculine energy, it is a 'point' in the queens chamber The inner CAVE - a Lunar

CODE a METAPHOR activating a "Great Work" as the Alchemists says, and if

done during a TIME of Rising of the NEW SUN or Transformation from night to

day. It will assist the initiation and seeding of a New Earth to its RETURN.

Dearest Star sisters and friends of Magic, please discover the POWER of the Labyrinth!- The one who

gives the gift of LOVE to its HEART centre, in exchange the LOVE is RETURNED

to you amplified and active and empowers YOU- it aligns you with its

ASCENDING- With its raising RISING inner power!

Many years ago in 2004 a small group 'cell' of psychics and remote viewers gathered a few times weekly to investigate the astral situation at that time, we recorded much of what we did, on a forum to allow others to know the visuals and messages we received collectively.

On one of those occasions we saw in a shared vision, women around the world opening up portals of divine light through Mandalas and Labyrinths, they have largely been sabotaged like the Power of the pyramids, they too have been reversed and working in opposing energies. So doing this work is important and a POWERFUL practice, yet its simplicity and power invites the angelic world to get involved, we are guardians of the Earth and we MUST initiate in order for them to join in, they cannot do it for us, that is the prime directive and universal law.

The labyrinth is synonymous with The CAVE -the Womb- the sacred SOUND of

the universe ‘Om’ (Aum) it’s resonance has a ‘ripple effect’ when made active by the

sacred feminine principle.

The labyrinth is the symbolic seed that is found in the Queen’s chamber of the

pyramids, it is the POINT of POWER connecting to the STARS, the KEY to

access the power of the pyramids. A lunar device.

Labyrinths were once used to calculate lunar cycles!

There are points of power on sacred sites on the earth, but there are also POWER

POINTS that align with TIME as space and time intertwine, space exists through


5 Power Points And "The ‘5 Point’ Star"

There are 5 Points of the day that are Power points that connect to the Sun and

there are 5 power points of the Month that connect with the Moon.

We have 5 points in the body known as the 5 POINT STAR, they are the Bindu

(behind 3rd eye/forehead area in the center of the skull) the 2 points in the palm and the 2 points on soles of the feet.

With certain points of prayer positions as well as Yoga positions, mudhras and tongue movements that open the Ida pingala channels. As we

connect these 5 points to the earth facing True north (NW on the compass due to the earths axis, toward the centre of the earth/golden mean point which

is in Mecca, which is after the poles shifted during the last yuga change (after the fall of Atlantis) we lost sight of TRUE NORTH and fell into the illusion,.

This is done at the 5 Power points of the day, these points aligning become

our navigation points and they connect us to the times of the day during powerful aligments between moon sun and earth..

The points of power to plant 'SEEDS" of thoughts, intentions and sacred words, or SPELLS, holding a pose or posture to act as a vessel of divine LIGHT.

Points of power exist in Time and space both, they also exist within us, and we are

dynamic creative, receptive, active - we are the BRIDGES to anchor light by way

of our POINTS of POWER- and it is a way we can act as mediums to MIRROR

the stars through connection, the power points of time and space together

creating a portals for transmitting a state of balance and harmony, within and

outside of us, completely aligned with the STARS and Cosmic Forces.

'5 Star Points' of the Sun and Moon

The 5 points of the month that are power spots and we know that the ‘owners’ are

the Avatars, the gods and goddesses who appear in every incarnation self aware in their power, to heralds a new cycle, which is the root significance of the 5 point star and the divine points of the Pentagram.

The points in the month connect us with the moon through it's phases -a passage and gateway to the stars, enabling us to directly connect and work with the power and pathways of the stars through sacred these practices .

By connecting our 5 power star points to the earth (bindu, palms and soles of feet). is a way we can navigate destiny and activate synchronicitiesm by which we will always be in the right place at the right time; seeding consciousness and LIGHT - opening paths for divine energy.

When we focus and connect, we must be in awareness of the great alchemical work and elemental forces. the dynamics taking place, this way we are actively involved in a greater work in service.

This practice draws the connections and brings about an alchemical transformation within us as well us outside of us.

This is the KEY. Interconnection. We transport our energy from a microcosmic

level to a macrocosmic level and we can look into the veil and envision the reality

of it, and embody it, it is our intention and trust that is Key, the more intensely we envision and believe it to be truth and are not distracted by the illusion,, the firmer it takes hold and is seeded into the physical world.

The labyrinth and The Sacred Cave

Everything is a holographic reality that takes place here Lilly and I discovered

infinite synchronicities and were shown a few Major KEYS to RECLAIM the

POWER of the Pyramids, through working with the Labyrinths, the 5 STAR Points,

and the 5 point STAR!

POWER POINTS and symbols- the sacred spots and sites

around the world, and ‘TIME’ as it is interwoven with Consciousness.

Everything is connected - Time, space, in an inter-dimensional, holographic

universal template everything that once was is also present now, reverberation of

vibration in the ‘sphere’ continuing throughout the cycles of Time - a facet of the

whole, if we embody it, we bring our past through timelines into our present. It is

just another expression, a different octave or vibrational setting of the same

energy signature.

An expanding 'ripple' from our ancient past extending out and echoing our ancient future. A movement in time/space, an overlapping of cycles, ending and beginning at an elevated level, oscillating at greater speed!

I visited the labyrinth nestled just north of the City's oasis. When I arrived I was

greeted by a group of smiling women at the doors and was welcomed into the

grounds. It wasn’t till that moment I entered that I realized - the space was being

'held' almost entirely by women there! The sign idicated they were all "sisters' of the covenant!

I entered the path of the labyrinth barefoot, the space felt sacred and Holy. The

entire duration we were there, the grounds remained peaceful with no other

visitors. Just one other lady who was sitting on a bench close by reading a book,

but left soon after. I was sending love and peace from my heart centre and

speaking with the 'spirit' of the labyrinth, with each footstep I gently paced the

earth toward the centre where there was a big boulder in place.

I said a short prayer and I lit an orange candle to activate the divine feminine

higher sacral/sacred energies and gifted a small piece of something Lilly had sent

me and a clay vessel I created as a vessel to hold Holy zamzam water (I had the

previous nights prepared) with divine words and energies.

I could feel the presence of a few of my spiritual sisters right beside me as I

connected and the spirit of the trees playfully moving around me!

I put the '5 point star' pendant Lilly made for me, on the labyrinth for a while and

prayed for an opening and activation.

The wind began to change its course and tempo. Inside the boudler was a small hollow like a mini 'CAVE' how perfectly insync. I put some lavender and dried pink roses and anointed my "gifts" with jasmine oil and created a small Alter in its center..

Even if it remains undisturbed for a few hours or days, it would suffice to activate the labyrinth to cause it to align in its true purpose and work as a KEY to open portals for divine light to enter.

As the wind took up speed blowing all directions, I could feel a storm in the brew.honoured the 4 directions and elements, send blessings to the trees that hold the space around the Labyrinth, the Ancestors and ancient souls whose spirit still runs through the sacred soil and water beneath our feet. The timeless ageless keepers of wisdom. It clouded over but as soon as I 'closed the sacred circuit' and walked out of the labyrinth, the SUN came out from behind the clouds and its rays hit the labyrinths centre as though to LIGHT it up!

I had actually intended to do the ceremony with the SUN at its highest point but

decided not to miss the zenith point of power for my ritual prayer practice, so we

ended up going right before when the SUN was ASCENDING at 11.00, with the

ceremony at the centre at 11.11 the 29th day of the month (2+9=11) and my

personal life path is an 11!

All aligned in the 11:11 number series - It was divinely timed and in perfect FLOW - So powerful!

There is an axiom in a Prophetic tradition that states,

"If the riser emerges, all those whom saw that they were of this matter will go out

of it and there shall enter into it the likeness of the worshippers of the sun and


Pagans are the true travellers of the Original Path. The truth is timeless.

We are sisters; daughters of the Morning Star. The Black Sun. The true Logos.

It also 'dawned' on me that if "The Riser is Rising", then with the `Riser` comes an

Ascension, should we not be embodying our ascending archetypes that awakened

part of our 'self' that Rises up before the Sun?

We are RISING and ascending, so it we must now align with our rising 'self', it’s a

way we can align with the energies of what is to come right before it happens! As

the forerunners who rise BEFORE the dawn of the Sun to greet the 'Great Sun'.

We capture the moment before it happens and sit with it, in TIME/consciousness.

It’s another key.

The message I got upon completing the activation is that we are "ASCENDING we

are RISING and we are Returning to a divine state. We are returning to the 'Divine

Star child'. I was shown that during our ascension we 'become' in alignment with our ascendant sign in our zodiac chart.

These are the trailblazers, the forerunners who rise to greet the invisible 'Sun'. We ARE the swinging of the pendulum, in its momentum, surrendering in the flow in trust and fearlessness.

Within the 13 moons and our mentrual phases, we bleed in rhythm with the moon, between the rising and setting of the suns. In the same way we are weaving our PATHS through alternate dimensions, bringing to view each facet of the whole, until all that is hidden is again known.

The weaving of the fabric of a NEW world.

Look around for the signs, do you not see how Islands are rising from the oceans?

The earth, nature - all is a reflection of the cosmos, its telling the story, you only

need listen and observe. Begin to remember that YOU are a holographic being with unlimited facets from all timelines and alternate and potential realities, you can tap into all parts of yourself at any given moment.

When we awaken to this Truth, we become who we are REALLY intended to be.

from the Void.

Anonmondek (2013)

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