Take a deep in breath and breathe fire~
embrace your fury. This is the sacred breath~ the sacral bearth/birth of creation/creative forces..
This became inversed by the imbalanced male counterpart in illusion of his own ego, he created himself as god in his own image, mishapen with outer domination, envy, control, oppression, obsession, in self hatred and projected onto woman his deficiency, Manmade, because she catalyzed in him change.
Cause and effect. Opposing forces catalyzed a rift and splitting of the archetypes occured, Something can only be known in relation to itself in a state of duality. Darkness could only be known by contrast to its complementary opposing self, and light became defined only through darkness.
But darkness became misunderstood because the light has different manifestations, natural and unatural. True and false, various colours, some real some projections of reality, such as gold and yellow.
Both creative principles inversed and created an opposing ripple of reality that has coursed the ocean of consciousness, this created a chasm. Between that which is a true original and a false projection mirrored and inversed. We cannot see its reality from outside, we have to go within, not by touch but by feeling.
This is the paradox nature of everything that exists in dualism, in separation or division, by definition (literally) we are witnessing our own existence from outside and from within simultaneously.
It's justified anger. Wrath of the gods and an integral part of you rising to boilling point, from the dancing fiery embers of your sacral (sacred) altar~ scorching the profane.
Our breath is the Fire of B-earth/Breath. It breathes fire into the earth. Our lifeforce. Breath, is the Hearth of what is Sacred. It is fuelled by the fires of our hearts/hearths which is the Sacral, where offerings are made to the Sun (solar plexus) center- for all purposes, intent and Will.
Our will power is the throne and high atlar, the 'heart/hearth' of the Sun that powers all that we radiate out of ourselves when it is fully aligned and open.
We become fully self aware.
The black goo and filth has been accumulating and blocking our vision for millenia. It has obscured the passages of our inner temple, mind thoughts, residually contaminated our emotions and sensory responses, our reactions'- we tuned out, switched the pilot light on low, became passive, stale and went into inactive dormancy and a state of decay.
The cycle of growth and decay, life and death, cause and effect- is coming to a saturation point, immediate reactions, karmic debts to be paid are all being called in..
Fire like Fury can be the creative force behind destruction, or the destructive force behind creation, both necessary when well timed. It is the storm that moves the fire. tempestuous thoughts prevail over complacent mind chatter numbing the senses.
It does not discriminate, or judge, it just unfurls the electromagnetic forces into active vibrant pulsating sentient fields. Intelligent energy in its most ironic form.
it seeks out what is not up to par and resonance, and mirrors it back in perfectly synchronized poetic magnificence, you could not script a more suitable fate.
You either adjust to meet standards, or you get re-'cycled' into the rounds, Thrown back into the realms of raw undefined chaos- the debris of Saturns rings, where the poisons begin to become apparent and given form and definition on all levels, brought out into the open to be examined, and corrected in time.
You must live through every aspect of the shadow until all is radiant and crystaline clear, Its energetic. sparkling with life, energy never dies, it repeats itself until it is fully saturated, purges and returns updated-anew,
This is the LAW.
No matter how much you 'protest' against the nature of universal laws, you cannot change it, its already in perfection and balance, the more you fight your inherent nature, the more you fight against ALL cosmic forces and powers. Only you alone will suffer by your own hand.
Desensitizing yourself with the burden of suffering stuck in the martyr/victim, karma cycle, accumulating inversed or negative traumatic memories, will never change the cause/effect cycle you are stuck in and it's outcomes and dynamics on the web of Wyrd. This YOU are also fully answerable for. Until you change to a position of responsibility, power and ownership, you cannot 'will' anything into being, if you are in fear, powerlessness and denial of responsibility.
Until YOU make the choice of ownership, and sovereignty, and that everything in your life is a mirror of the truth you are living and breathing and what you believe to be your truth. This will unfold into your reality 'as is'.
This is Prime Directive, the FIRST LAW. Free WILL.
If you stop playing the blame game. Own your shit, you 'WILL' change your life and the shit you create.
You are being called to listen to the 'call' from the chasm of your temporal 'self' and your soul's nature, the ancient truth of your soul's resonant roots. The illusion of self you have created, it is not the TRUE you. It has trapped you in the filters and distortions of culture and the noxious fumes of the dry rot that has sprouted new spores of toxicity waiting to cleave onto the branches of your inner vine, This has become the opiate of your own escape.
The only way is through it's heavyness and density, 'hacking' the wilderness of your shadows, your untapped hidden mysteries. The darkest most untamed parts of your most primal memories. Your underworld. Among those primordial stirrings, buried in your forgotten Elysium, along with the scattered bones of your own truth~
Are you not feeling the rising of the old Serpent? She is uncoiling her lifeline for you to grasp onto as you tire in the longevity of your journey. The call of the Wolf, the voice of your true nature surviving through 'survival' itself, The deep Howl echoing through the great dark forgotten grottos of time.
That serpent was no ordinary snake, she was the hidden dragon veiled in the illusion of your false self. A fragment of the lesser reality of you. The uninitiated.
Waiting in your shadows to be beheld. nurtured, and unbridled.
Once you have witnessed the stirring of raw power shedding its ancient skin, the limitations of fear, control and stasis, shifting with greater ease and mutability, our reality begins rapid metamorphosis, leaving all traces of the old skin behind.
She moves freely, unfurling fury, the fire moves through generational blood bonds, woven through ancestral timelines, her golden threads begin to glow and retell our unique mythology, To the natural eye she is unseen, but now for the first time, she shows glimpses and sparks of her fire, in the rising of rage, ancient memoirs shake the ancient tree to it's very roots!
This is the FIRST sign of the GOLDEN AGE that is now dawning upon us, we have offcially entered into her Aeon of unravelling of the tightly woven fibes, as she moves with velocity, furiously coursing through our lifeblood.
The Blood of the Dragon is awakening from her long sorjourn, alive in conscious self-awareness of her sleepless existence in ALL.
She is pure sentience in her most potent fierce form. Kali Ma. Internalize her, direct her with intelligence and blaze furiously to your 'will's content/intent.
The wolf will rear within you, all that is in frozen slumbering, a still lifelessness in the most desolate and encompassing landscapes of your past. The original dreamscape, the wild and stark winds in a state of silent becoming, we are the living 'hearth' the kindling fires on earth keeping all moving,
The roaring firestorm..
Why are you fighting your deepest most hidden nature?
It is destined to become known.
ALL that is hidden will be REALized.
Darkest Blessings
13th Hour
Suspended tensions caught between worlds misguided legends and truthful words Egos hurting blindly offended back stabbing agents personal agendas clouded views and cloaked intentions diabolical plots spiraling vile festering rot depraved and defected reckless reactive socially infected restless with fury and rage selected rejected Re-vamped and re-invented lost deep in mind games and traps catchy ringtones and attractive captions memes and futile facts to keep you distracted a corporate captive professionally wrapped and patent protected injected for economic enslavement craving ONLY the spotlight a piece of the global pavement Honest liars fact deniers Truthful Pretenders? Truth is Truth needs no defenders Truth is not commercially grown Truth is on it's Own all Alone TRUTH is Lonely at home only in the 'known' letting go instead balanced and heart centered within the tender oscillation of your transcendental surrender Center in your natural state; you forgot to fully remember so instead unravel your divine furious splendor