From the Akashic Records readings by Anonmondek West:
Time is a circle and we are going back to our ancient future!
"According to the records, first there was what we came to know as Paganism in the first world before the fall to earth-(this is the 6th world) the first happened before the demiurge/opening of the lower/shadow worlds, all primary, secondary, archetypal energies/gods/neters/deities existing on the symbolic tree of life.
All souls followed the Law and universal metaphysical truth/ cosmic law, it was all known and manifest energetically in form in the first world. The first Monad, incarnated in form of archetypal energies in physicality, all believed the same one Truth the feminine archetype (soul) energies were incarnated in the world of manifestations as witches and all women who became aware of their own divine potential within and followed this path, could tap into and channel this power through their dna/blood throughout the ages.
In the first world Magic existed it was known as the Sacred. Sexual energy (life force energy) and union in Sex (electro-magnetic circuit).
At some point things happened in the timeline, the illusion was created a false construct and souls became confused and deceived in the shadow world as we fell deeper into density, When the sacred covenant was broken (sex magic) by self serving souls who inversed the energy current (rondek) truth became hidden to our eyes and we had no way of discerning, so we needed to experience all energies in all forms.
Those who with malintent became those who wared against the light (truth) Life and Women (creatrices) -Those men became known as warlocks (locked us into war/physicality/illusion/destruction/death/karma/shadow worlds.
They began to envy, patronize and hate the creative principle (creatrix), the mother goddess, feminine archetype (woman) and the sacred (magic), and enslaved women in a spell locked in shame guilt and fear. She fell asleep and became dormant (represented in stories and mythologies such as sleeping beauty/snow white, golden apples of iduun, blue apples of mary magdalene, etc. in reality the apple is symbolic for immortality youth knowledge as is the spinning wheel, and hay which in astral language represents sexual energy.
The apple was poisoned (inversed w sorcery, sex magic inversed playing out in rape violence mutilation burning, drowning torture forced marriages (sex slavery) etc all against women through the ages. this put witches into a deep slumber for millenia as we forces into oblivion and forgot our real story.
The shadow archetypes created an overlay reality matrix in matter with fixed absolute rules fearbased to control and govern over what was wild and free. They inversed the creative principle to create a destructive negative brute force, a counterfeit reality based on competition not creativity, upon labourious hardship not the power of manifestation, an illusion.
We embedded archetypal clues of our journey and story in symbology such as in the tarot and crystals buried in the earth or in scrolls so we would trigger our own remembrance when we were ready and it was 'time'.
Everything that happened- the choices we made, in the first world, has been and is being, played out here over and over until we wake up from the dreamspell and realize the truth so we can free ourselves from the cycle of war/physicality/illusion/destruction/death/karma- the shadow worlds.
We can each begin weaving magic into the world with our creativity, anchoring that which is sacred in our space and hearts ground it into the earth to transform less into great, illusion into what is true. Mundane into phenomenal.
It starts to manifest within us, and spreads out around us. As within So without. As above So below.
The Tree of truth in the first world is rooted in paganism, but much of it has been misrepresented and lost, become abstract and stale having been sabotaged repeatedly by patriarchal men. In reality all things stem from this and is reflected in every spiritual path on earth (and beyond) from an inner perspective. it can be twisted, diluted inversed or whatever, but its still the original truth that always was before any other path and always will be beyond any other path.
Everything is rooted in it's original source (tree), you will find evidence of this in ALL religions, if you look at the gnostic/mystic/kabbalistic/esoteric texts, it is mirrored at different degrees until we once again complete in it in this aeon. Since 'truth' is in all that exists to some measure, this practice may be found in different paths in various ways, but by no means does it mean other paths are aligned with the same intentions or ideologies.
The law of one has been known and practiced since the dawn of our existence up to the time of Atlantis and reflected in our social structure, the priesthood/high priestesshood was the most sacred authority and high council that made desisions in the highest good of the nation, it was matriarchal by nature, still the ONE prime creator and father archetype) as the manifestor of ALL creation he created through the cosmic vessel/holy grail/ mother archetype the creatrix of all of creation from the 1st world.
All lesser archetypes stem from mother goddess womb of creation and the projections/emanations of created physical forms in incarnations.
War has been upon us for control over our awareness/worship/WAR/Ship.. Fear based programs to control our free mind emotions (energy in motion) our free Will- our SPIRIT. Our authentic self knows that when we direct our power/energy to that which we love worship it brings it to life. it grounds it into our reality depending on our level of connection. when it is believed universally it becomes a universal reality. Truth is a vibration, in it, there is balance, beauty, clarity, enlightenment. No part of the illusion or shadows enter its frequency range or who embodies it.
So who do we give our 'worship' to is what we should be asking ourself. You go to the Source offcourse!
An All knowing loving Creator as you would imagine a divine being would be, who is the essence of each of us, the celestial fire from which all souls are original sparks from. Starseeds planted on earth to grow into whatever they put their mind, thoughts emotions and practice (actions) toward. To unlock our own true magic and power, and become divine.
Intelligent lightcodes manifested as Runes (which opened CREATION in the FIRST world) designed to unlock with our consciousness by design, our transformation beyond what we have ever reached or been even in the first world. We were starseeds and now we are becoming shining Stars!.
We are now transiting through a window about to complete a cycle in time before a quantum leap (satyuga) which is why so many are remembering their ancient true selves. All souls made choices the first time and here we are living them out, we are all making choices right now that will unfold in our realities in the coming journey ahead.