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Plasma event Consciousness

Writer's picture: Anonmondek WestAnonmondek West

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

The earth is a duality, a polarity itself. A double planet- 2 worlds. Now the poles are splitting. You are making choices. ~Balance or distortions.

This False earth is a simulation, the program-illusion, imitation, a counterfeit reality.

. Once you see the 'pixels' of truth its a dead giveaway..

We are re-'cognizing' our-self. Seeing the false 'you', this body and personality are just an expression of us at this point in time in this reality based on our available biological data, a fraction/fractal, distorted in its projection depending on filters added. The illusive you has forgotten you wrote your own script with triggers and redflags included, YOU have forgotten how to read the feedback, you have many moving parts in many scenes, some intervals, the ending is already written with a few last minuite tweaking to keep it real.

In the play of life the lines are different, but the archetypal roleplay is always the same., Your storyline does not exist without you..

That is the REAL story.

We have been aligned with a false north. Polaris. The pole star. The polarized star. Distorted. Nothing is as it seems you may think you 'see' things as they really are, but its the imprint, not the 'original'.

We are recalibrating with True North.

This is a Mirror planet. Its the illusion.. Not the actual world, it is the unactualized reality that is a 'warp' in time, and has lessened through dilution, as we lost connection to the sacred, we fell into the profane, the unawakened, uninitiated state. We began to be-lie, believing the lie by default, we fell through the 'trap' door, and got locked in the maya. Mind-fullness is the only state in which connection is made, and because of electromagnetism that begins a process of transforming the inner landscape of the body, so the soul can evolve through the chemistry of life. Flesh blood bones; earth/water/fire, The bonefire has already started, we are almost there- truly.

The plasma event will cause you to detach from the matrix. and plug into a new more organic inner source for the surge of life will feel like becoming conscious from a dream.

"He who looks outside dreams

he who looks inside awakens"

The moment you realize that this experience was not 'true' it was only a sensory programmed response system to the state of mind we are attached to or tuned into. Only the respnse causes an effect not the experience itself.

Trying to control or alter the physical realm from the physical realm will only cause suffering. Only by letting go of -control of the physical and mastering control over that which is non physical/spiritual within our self, by controling your thoughts, inturn effects emotions and the energy we emit.

We can only effect the physical before it takes form.

How you 'process and metabolize' something internally will depend on and effect the regeneration and production, the exact formulation of biochemistry (waters) to create enough motivation (fires) in combination with thought substance (winds) and trust (ethers) to create a propulsion (storm) to activate and bring an intention to life. True creative force is sexual energy, (earth) and it turns everything to precious metals- like alchemy it is turned to gold.

The midas touch.

golden apples

weaving hay into Gold

All metaphors for summoning the elements through sexual union and forging to form (metal: sword/chalice) in the fire ie 'gold' (Au) in your (Au)rafield to effect physicality. The great work has reached its time. The leaven has risen and a golden age is upon us..

It's a transfomational creative ritual, opening the door between dimensions and infusing life from the spiritual realms into the earth

Transcending from the lesser to the Greater via union through sacred sexual alchemy. the galvanizing of metals by fire. crosses the veil between realms, it is the sacred marriage between masculine heaven and feminine earth (this is where wedding rings came from) Gold and silver ring opening. The purification process, a coagulation of the upper and lower realities.

These were cyptic secrets to be unlocked by those who could bend the elements from ancient times. gods and goddess', high priests and priestess', oracles, shamans, witches and magi; from the monastaries and temples of the past to the covens all the way to the innermost sanctum and stargate of the divine woman.

The circle is closing and what is was and has always been.

When you observe the senses they are just telling you the story, when you can see the 360 complete picture, beyond what your senses are attached to. There is no reaction, only clarity and knowing the TRUE reality.

When this exists inside, it mirrors outside.

So Mote it Be!

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Anonmondek West. Crystalis. Lunar Alchemy.  

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