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Dragon Bezoar Pearl

Dragon Bezoar Pearl


Magickal Naga stones are formed in the body of a snake by an elemental spirit that has made its home there. They are rare and only found in wild and pristine places of high elemental energy. The elemental spirit will have found an affinity with a particular animal or plant, in much the same way a shaman does, and will then form a symbiotic relationship with its host. 


The elemental will live in the animal for many years, and its presence gradually forms the stone. When the animal dies, the elemental is still bound to the stone, and now seeks to form a new magickal alliance, so it will call to any shaman or spiritual person in the area sensitive enough to hear the call or see it vibrationally, this cannot be seen by lower vibrating individuals and is kept invisible till found. During its time in the body of the animal or plant, the elemental will have taken on many of the powers of its host. It is most likely to call to a shaman who has experience with the same species, and is ready to use its power.



It is a common practice in shamanism to journey to the underworld to meet a power animal, and then to take a vision quest to receive guidance and gifts from the spirit world.  The vision quest takes place in a secluded area in nature, usually chosen for a particularly high spiritual energy. It is during such vision quests that the elemental of the Naga stone speaks to the shaman and leads him to the carcass of the animal or remains of the tree or plant, and guides him to obtain the stone.


There are also Naga stones that are obtained from non-physical beings. There are two ways in which I have obtained these. First, they are revealed by nature spirits in certain areas in nature where the veil is thinner due to the pristine condition of the environment, during which the shaman is engaged in magickal practices there.


The elemental and faerie realms co-exist with the human world on the earth, but in a different parallel dimension. At some power spots where the veil between the worlds is thinner,  magickal objects that lie in these spots in other dimensions can appear in our world. This is partly because the magickal working opens further the boundaries between the worlds, but mostly because the elementals guarding the sacred site have deemed the shaman worthy and gift the magickal object to him.

The other way in which they have come is by directly manifesting in the hands.


 During a very intense healing ceremony, a dimensional doorway begins to open in the hands, and healing gifts manifest for participants in the ceremony. These are not always Naga stones, but can also include roots, crystals and yantras. 


How to communicate with the elemental


Communication with the elemental is quick and easy for a shaman, as such forms of communication have been developed over time. There is, however, a quick way you can learn to communicate with the elemental of a Naga stone. It helps to first relax your body as much as possible. Soft movements such as Tai Chi help open the flow, otherwise just standing and swaying from side to side, with a slight turn of the waist, while allowing the arms to swing naturally for a few minutes will loosen up the body quite well.


Once it is loose and open, you will sense energy flowing through the body more easily. Now if you hold the Stone, you will sense its power flowing into your hand, This is the first step to bonding with its spirit.

Next, sit down with it and close your eyes. What you are going to do is create a place between your worlds specially for communication with elementals. Relax deeply, trying to forget the world. Imagine a beautiful, peaceful place in nature. Open all your senses there. As you relax deeper, begin to see the scenery of your inner world, then hear the sounds that should be there, smell the air, touch and feel the texture of trees, grass or ground, feel the air on your skin, even begin to taste the atmosphere. Then invite the spirit to meet you here. It may come in animal form, or in human form to make it easier to talk with. Ask it its name. You should remember this name, as it will allow you to call on the spirit any time. This journey becomes easy and clear with a little practice.



  • Working with a Dragon Bezoar Pearl

    Putting Your Spirit Stone to Use

    Spirit stones can be employed many different ways

    A way to tap into the powers of your magickal stone is to immerse your stone or stones in water for a few hours. Once the hours have passed, reserve the water for use in ritualistic baths, combined with pure and natural essences, oils and flowers. The resulting magickal “potion” has the power to purify your aura and eliminate negative forces and energies in your life.

    A second practical application is to strategically place them around your home and/or office. By incorporating them into your everyday environment, you’ll uncover a greater capacity to neutralize negativity, encouraging positive energy, attracting luck and, in professional settings, drawing new clients into your establishment. If your business is a therapeutic or healing centre, weaving our stones into the décor will allow the healing to begin from the moment clients and patients step through the doors – neutralizing negative attitudes, calming agitated auras, fostering positive thinking and creating an all-around better working environment for everyone!

    Employing Mantras

    Yogis and tantric practitioners have been utilizing mantras since ancient times. There are a number of reasons that these mantras play such an important role.

        *      They allow you to raise your consciousness
        *      They foster purification
        *      They enable you to control your energy levels
        *      They can assist you in attuning yourself with cosmic forces, and
        *      They connect you with deities and beings of higher intelligence
        *      They assist in increasing ones psychic sensitivity
        *      They help to silent the mind and strengthen ones focusing ability
        *      They raise ones magickal and spiritual energies
        *      They increase ones frequency
        *      They empower ones Magickal rituals and spells
        *      They help develop seed powers of the soul

    Magickal practitioners employ mantras to replenish their own magickal capacities or to recharge themselves with stronger energy. Mantras can affect our chakras, with certain mantras forming bonds with specific chakras – awakening and attracting power in and to that particular chakra, providing stimulation and purification.

    In light of this, we’ve psychically detected the specific mantra that’s associated with your new spirit stone. We include this mantra in the instruction package provided with the stone, each one has a personal mantra, and it's own name, you will be told whether the spirit is masculine or feminine.

    Mantras have proven a powerful way to connect with your spirit stone. This mantra will attune and amplify the stone’s natural vibrations and fosters a bond between you and the indwelling elemental.

    We suggest you employ this unique mantra while meditating or in conjunction with a rosary/mala or prayerbeads – concentrating and focusing your attention on the mantra and the vibration it manifests during repetition. This mantra acts as nourishment for both the stone itself and the nature spirit it contains. It helps to increase the stone's key virtues and powers, and then transfers them to you, the owner, with frequent use.

    Many have reported that by constantly chanting their mantra, they’re able to accumulate power reserves, and uplift their consciousness, taking advantage of the stone's benefits more rapidly. Because of this, we suggest that you keep your stones AND mantras close at hand (we mean this literally, since grasping your stone in your left hand during meditation can assist in absorbing energies easily.

    Your psychically divined mantra will foster the relationship-building needed to maximize the power of your stone. Greater power equals greater results. We provide this mantra to you at no additional cost, it’s up to you to decide if this method melds with your own personal tastes.

    Spirit Stones are constantly alive with energy and powerful vibrations. Attuning with your stone will take some time and effort, the mantras and recitation of the spirits name expedites this greatly, these are just yet another way to tap into their mystical powers. We do highly suggest using mantras with your stone specially the ones given in your psychic reading, this brings many benefits over time under constant use.

    Purifying your Stone

    Spirit Stones provide you with a protective buffer against a myriad of negative forces. Because of this, it’s essential that you take steps to regularly cleanse your stones.

    You can purify your stone by placing it in a glass of water with at least six teaspoons full of salt. Larger stones may require more salt – ideally enough to cover the entire stone. Of course, some are much too large for an actual glass. Simply find a container large enough cover the stone with a layer of salt and then add water – filling it to the top.

    The purification process needs at least 48 hours of immersion to cleanse the stone of the negative dross and psychic attacks it’s been shielding you from. This negative energy is transferred from your stone and into the salt that surrounds it. Once the 48 hours is up, remove the stone and pour the remaining saltwater down the sink or drain.

    This process is ESSENTIAL to keeping your stone and its elemental spirit operating at full strength.

    Because purification is so important, during the psychic scanning process we use to identify the unique mantras and elementals associated with each stone, we carefully work to detect any pre-existing negative energies that may have been absorbed from previous owners or the shamans who’ve handled them.

    If negative forces are identified, not only will we cleanse them psychically, but physically as well, restoring the stones' to their original, positive vibration.


  • Owning Multiple Stones

    As rare and priceless as Spirit stones are, there’s no reason you should restrict yourself to just one. Not only is owning more than one stone perfectly safe - it can also be incredibly advantageous. 

    While possessing certain gemstones that are related to astrological influences can prove greater harm than help, spirit stones are free from this potential negativity.

    Once you’ve established an etheric link with your spirit stone, you’ll strengthen your bond with the indwelling elemental’s higher evolved intelligence as well as their dedication to attracting positive energy and holding negative energy at bay.

    Owners of multiple spirit stones soon find that their various stones actually work in harmony with one another. Collectively, they won’t harm one another, you or the surrounding environment.

    Not only can you own multiple spirit stones, but you can also safely store your stones in close proximity – even set into the same jewellary, if desired. It’s also safe to house your stones together in shrines, altars or other offering areas where oils and incense are put forth as gifts to the dedicated deities. Indeed, you can even make offerings of fruit, coffee or milk to the indwelling elementals that give your spirit stones heightened power!

     Shrines, Altars and Configurations

    Across the ages, dedicated devotees and spiritualists have set up magnificent shrines to honor gods, goddesses, deities, saints and other sacred figures. Because of this, shrines are often arranged with certain religious and sacred objects in order to enhance the power of the shrine. Incorporating spirit stones into the design of your shrine can boost not only the power, but also your ability to align yourself with the higher intelligence that the shrine is dedicated to.

    Your shrine can be customized to help manifest desired outcomes, to serve as a meditation space, or to facilitate certain spiritual exercises. Your shrine is, essentially, your sacred space. Whether at home or in the office, your shrine can and should be constructed to generate the positive and nullify the negative energies, both internally and within your surrounding environment.

    Configuring your shrine offers limitless possibilities. Some configurations work to attract luck or prosperity. Others fight off negative thinking and potentially damaging psychic attacks. Yet others work like a magickal magnet that attracts higher spiritual intelligence to your own sacred space.

    By designing your shrine to include Spirit stones, you can create a fortress of protection that will shield your shrine from psychic attacks or interference from negative ethereal or astral entities as well as creating a space where you can manifest the outcomes you wish by channeling the thoughts with assistance from the spirit stones working together is an expanded way to serve the larger picture and destiny of humanity in this trying time.

    This principle works much the same in altars, the setting of much of a magician’s work. Spirit Stones can provide exponential empowerment in spell-casting and ritual work.

    Certain configurations can offer the keys to open doors to exciting different realms. Configurations like these can aid in manifestation rituals, where magickal objects are retrieved from the realms of the fairy and other magical dimensions.

    In fact, many of the shamans we aquire our spirit stones from have employed magickal configurations that not only aid in their ritual labors, but that also boost their odds of success when questing after yet undiscovered Spirit stones!

    We have in stock the Most powerful and unique stones available, only the best quality, each stone has a special radiant "Aura" detected in it's "glow" that will benefit all psychic and spiritual works and bring many blessings into the owners life.

    Owner will receive Name and details of Naga stone relating to its unique individual powers.

  • Using the Dragon bezoar Pearl

    Using the Naga stone

    Once you know the elementals name, you can call it and ask it to help with any magickal working. There are simple ways to absorb power from it too. First, just place it on a chakra and ask it to empower you. Secondly, you can put it in a glass of water for half an hour, asking it to charge the water to empower you, then drink the water.

    You can ask for particular powers that come within the domain of the particular spirit, which will depend on what animal or plant it was obtained from. You can also sleep with it under your pillow and ask it to communicate with you in dreams. Carrying it on you will bring you protection and good luck. During any magickal working, it is valuable to keep it on you and ask it to help your magick.

    Care of the elemental

    Every living being requires to be fed in some way, to restore the power you will be using. The elementals of Naga stones are simply fed with light and scent.


    They should be exposed to sun or moonlight regularly, passed through incense smoke, anointed with natural essential oils, and when you are not carrying them, leave a scented flower next to them.

    Fortunate Beings can only aquire these special and unique Naga stones, if they have good karma from pastlives and are ready for the power they can wield!

    The ability to enlist the aid of nature itself by way of stones derived from nature and not man-made in any way is a priceless opportunity. Those blessed with fortune and an insatiable curiosity can optimize these gems to their fullest capacity will be rewarded with nature’s power to enhance your:


        *      Personal development
        *      Spiritual advancement
        *      Insight and intuition and
        *      Inherent supernatural gifts.

    This power may very well prove to be just the extra boost you need in order to elevate your spiritual mastery and to tap into your mind’s, soul’s and body’s true inner potential.

    Spirit stones have long been lauded and cited in scriptures, myths and folklore for centuries. Keeping with this ancient tradition, each of the stones are all-powerful, with the ability to protect you as their owner from negative spirits and energies.


    Supreme Potency


    Spirit inhabited stones are inherently more potent than mere crystals and gemstones. This natural potency is then amplified in these elite stones’ indwelling spirits and magickal properties that are there for your benefit.


    This greater empowerment can then be applied to magickal rituals or simply your regular meditation sessions, allowing you to focus your energies and occult powers towards achieving your desired goals and ambitions. These Stones empower your thoughts, Aura, any quest or spiritual task you undertake, prayers and any protective measures you take as a regular practice.


    During meditation, the stones allow you to boost specific brain functions that can benefit you in a number of different ways.


        *      Allowing your thoughts and insights to manifest more rapidly
        *      To uncover newfound accuracy and targeted, logical “leaps” of genius
        *      Fostering the development of your psychic abilities and
        *      Putting telepathic skills well within your reach

    Additionally, the elementals within can guide you in spell-casting, as well as offering practical advice in your daily life.


    Unlike crystals and gemstones, which demand constant programming just to act upon (much less accomplish) a single task,spirit stones allow you to “assign” multiple tasks with practical, positive magick that will not only transform you, but your entire environment. However, by directing your stones’ elemental to perform a single, specific task, you’ll find a heightened potency and rate of success.


    Attuning with Your Spirit stone and Forming the Etheric Link


    You don’t have to orchestrate elaborate rituals or rites of empowerment to carry out in order to attune yourself to your new stone. The process can be as simple as holding the stone for a few minutes each day.


    The more 'work' or connecting you do with your stone, the faster you will see results, most people notice their lives begin changing in a few days, after 40 days a full link is established, with the use of mantras, you will quickly form a psychic telepathic relationship, where you will be given answers and shown methods for further development and uses to empower your life with the stone.

    By using and handling your stone regularly, the etheric link will be formed naturally over time, just like any relationship.

    We recommend holding your spirit stone during meditation, so that you can get in tune with the stone’s energy as it gets familiar with yours. Aided by the power of the visualization process, the etheric link will grow and strengthen.


    However, to facilitate this process, we provide you with the name of the indwelling elemental, which will allow you to communicate more effectively and powerfully.

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