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Mind Nectar

Mind Nectar


Mind Nectar eliminates fatigue, recovers brain functions, enhancing memory, inhibiting the ageing of brain cells, improving the activity of brain cells, strengthening the metabolism of brain cells tissue, stimulating blood circulation, improving the functions of all the organs of a human body and regulating the brain central nervous system. Mind Nectar balances both hemispheres of the brain, forcing them to work in harmony. This is known as "whole brain synchronization" and when achieved, your brain experiences extremely beneficial changes in hemispheric blood flow and chemistry.

Balanced brain hemispheres are a requirement if you wish to experience an accurate perception of reality.

The human brain is divided into two halves, separated and connected by the corpus callosum.

The corpus callosum is a thick band of nerve fibers that allow communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is responsible for interpreting perception in a linear and logical fashion. The right hemisphere is responsible for the 'big picture" and creativity.
we must be able to see the parts, and how they are connected and work together, if we want to function effectively in the world.

A healthy brain is also a requirement for having deep spiritual experiences. Balanced brain hemispheres are both a requirement, and an effect, of a healthy mind body and spirit. Use your mind and body to balance your brain, connect to spirit, and enjoy your life!

Your left hemisphere is necessary for perceiving the parts, your right hemisphere sees how it'a all connected. BOTH are needed to achieve spiritual awareness in our physical life experience.

Neuro Nectar promotes the metabolism of the brain cell tissue and the brain cells capacity of absorbing the nutrients needed by them from blood. It can strengthen the activity of brain cells, inhibit their premature ageing and promote the return of the cerebral functions to normal. This medicine is safe and reliable and free from any side effects with its outstanding effects confirmed by modern medical specialists. It is both a brain-treating nutrient suited for men and women. For assisting to improve the memory, reduce stress, calming the brain, and for assisting in learning improvement

people today are looking for ways that they can improve their memory and improve their concentration as well. There are many jobs that take high concentration and the ability to quickly memorize and remember perfectly. Assists sleeping disorders, anxiety depression, Bi-polarism, alzheimer's, and other neurological dis-eases, assists more oxygen and blood flow from cardio-neuro channels and replaces bio-chemicals in the brain that induce states of euphoria.


"I have been taking the ginseng, shilajit and mind nectar like you suggested
and I feel fantastic. My energy levels physically were very good
and I have always had the ability to keep going ,but since taking
the elixirs, I seem to have no limits, my stamina at the gym is
twice a long as before. I usually workout an hour nonstop.
today I kept the heat up for much longer and sweat I know a pints worth.
I can't wait to begin the Liver cleanse. I have detoxed before,
but not my liver so that will be something I look forward to and the
positive changes that will result from it "

"Just to let you know that the Psychic Sisters and Mind-Nectar are working like charms! Very magical and healing ones indeed I love those two elixirs and I notice a huge different in how it is affecting me for sure. I needed to take a little more than average, probably like 20-30 drops of each spread out through the day is working very nice. I am connecting to Spirit in a very balanced way with Mind and Heart a lot more Synchronized working in better unison to communicate to Source. Very awesome to experience so far and they are truly some top grade products that have that etheric 'spice' to them if you know how to sense it :D I am interested in trying some others soon... I am very tempted to try that Dragon elixir!"

"Since taking the Mind nectar I have been sleeping like a baby at nights after suffering from severe insomnia I am now off my sleeping meds, and feel refreshed in the mornings, it was the first time in years, I am so glad I found your products they are fantastic!"

"I have your Essences since 10 Minutes wouuuuwww,
my tensor rouls and rouls and rouls, this are very powerful Elixirs.
With this Essences Indian shilajit (jing-chi) and mind nectar my mind is very clear
Das ist ein wirkliches Powerpaket super stark!!!
Kann ich die Essencen irgendwo noch genauer Nachlesen
was sie genau machen?
Ich werde diese Elexiere einschwingen für meine Klienten auf Globuli.
Vielen lieben Dank" Jeanette R Zurich Switzerland

Mind nectar comes in 30ml blue bottle

All our elixirs are highly concentrated, created through spagyric and alchemical processes and energetically empowered.

Disclaimer: The information and products contained in this listing are for research purposes only and should not be construed as medical recommendations for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical advice. We do not diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions. Consult the appropriate healthcare professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.

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