Nirvana elixir for Meditative and Altered states
Nirvana elixir is formulated with the biochemistry of high vibrational plants to create a space in the mind that powerfully assists in meditation, astral journeying, vision quests, protection by raising the vibratory rate of the biological body to act as a bridge between worlds. It dispels negative energy & works to balance and align all the chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling an inner calmness that brings self-realization to light. This specially designed formulated elixir is made with guidance from the spirit realm using the highest quality pure active ingredients with the intention to connect with ancestors and guides during dreams, rites and ritual, during trance states and meditation as well as when involved in working magick.
Communication with our spirit guides and ancestors is a spiritual birthright but can be challenging to develop this connection without a little help. When taken during psychic work or practices, it allows your intuitive wisdom to pour fourth by easily transposing information received through the psychic mind to be appropriately utilized. By the use of this magical elixir you are sure to find yourself drifting deep into your subconscious mind.
Nirvana elixir allows for the altering states from the beta (mind chatter) to the theta, alpha, delta and deep delta states, where manifestation, transformation and connection takes place. A blend to help calm the mind, purify the soul and bring spiritual enlightenment. It can be used to sanctify or purify an area for spiritual matters of any kind, whether you are working a full ritual & spell or a simple morning meditation, this blend will help set the vibration for spiritual growth & evolution
doses 15 drops 2 x daily on an empty stomach
comes in 30ml blue glass bottle w dropper
All our elixirs are highly concentrated, created through spagyric and alchemical processes and energetically empowered.
Disclaimer: The information and products contained in this listing are for research purposes only and should not be construed as medical recommendations for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical advice. We do not diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions. Consult the appropriate healthcare professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.