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Shankara Skin elixir

Shankara Skin elixir



All purpose skin elixir. Shankara skin elixir does for the skin what the Jing-chi elixir does for the body, this is a highly charged anti-aging elixir that turns the clock back for the skin. for reduction of deep lines, wrinkles, dark patches, eczema, acne, psoriasis, rashes, blotchy areas, sagging skin and tissue damage.

Shankara elixir should be taken ito support saturate the system, for ALL skin conditions, age spots and blemishes, eczema, phsoriasis, reduction of lines and wrinkles, closes large pores and changes skin complexion from dull to glowing!

Very good for scars, bruises and burns, stretchmarks~ can be taken internally for healing internal bruising and to control internal bleeding. High in Anti-oxydants for anti-aging pimples and acne. ~ This is a very effective Tonic for clear skin blemish free. Helps eliminate deep lines and wrinkles by infusion of massive amounts of Jing-chi. Many of the benefits of the Jing-Chi elixir, it is based on balancing the Jing (Vital essence) and Chi (Life Force) in the skin.

For Topical use


"I just had to tell you that the Shankara Elixir is amazing! I applied it to my face this morning with my fingertips and immediately saw results. My skin was firmer and toned. Small lines beneath my eyes were smoothed out and left me with a fresh glowing appearance . I have purchased many products such as creams and exfoliating pads and nothing has come close the the results I am seeing after one application of this elixir. This is a phenomenal product ! "

"I had never thought about putting the shankara drops on the itchy spot on the nape of my neck til you mentioned it. So I did it and layed off the ylang ylang. It has a sting at first that feels good and it is also keeping the area from scabbing up like every other thing hasn't. I wash my hair and add rosemary oil to the shampoo then apply the shankara afterwards. It not only doesn't itch like the ylang ylang but with this there are less gross scabs. I love the shankara! Shankara is far more effective overall. Thnx for telling me!"


"I thought I would let you know the stuff I'm using is working great.
My face is so clear. It looks beautiful. I'm very grateful. " M K USA

"I hope you're doing great. I'm ready to order more Shankara Skin elixir,
along with another bottle of Oxy-follicle hair elixir.
The Liver cleanse is working well. My acne is clearing up,
and I feel like I've got more energy. The shankara skin elixir is really
helping my face. It feels smooth and is looking better.
I'm confident that it can help dissolve my scar tissue.
That's really the only issue with depressed scars.
If you can dissolve the scar tissue, everything will grow back normally.
I see progress. Also the hair elixir is working." M USA

"I'm dutifully using the Liver cleanse. I seem to have more energy and focus. It's good stuff. Thanks I'm feeling really good. My skin is improving, and I have energy, and My hair is... doing something and well, the skin elixir is excellent, too. My skin feels much more elastic and smooth, and that was almost instant. The Liver cleanse is working so well, I think that I might get the other courses when I'm done with this one. I hope your business is doing well. You've got great products" M.P. USA

comes in 30ml blue bottle

All our elixirs are highly concentrated, created through spagyric and alchemical processes and energetically empowered.

Disclaimer: The information and products contained in this listing are for research purposes only and should not be construed as medical recommendations for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical advice. We do not diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions. Consult the appropriate healthcare professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.

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Anonmondek West. Crystalis. Lunar Alchemy.  

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